Jake LaCaze

Introducing my linklog, powered by Newsblur's Blurblog

The best part about the internet is sharing. And sharing is caring.

If you enjoy this blog, maybe you’ll also enjoy the content that informs and influences it. You can obviously find such pieces in the sources I link to in the footnotes of my posts. But those links show only the most obvious influences. Sometimes something we read or watch or listen to plants a seed that germinates for a long time, meaning we forget where it all started.

The sharing of ideas and perspectives has always been my favourite part of the internet. I’ve always seen the Internet as my gateway to thinkers and thoughts I’d otherwise not have access to. And as long as I’ve been on the internet, I’ve enjoyed sharing the interesting things I find as well.

Unfortunately, social media–thanks in part to social media engagement algorithms1–is no longer an ideal place for sharing, as the platforms make it harder to share content that diverts eyeballs from their own domains, because they want to keep users glued to their services as long as possible.

Enter the linklog

This weekend I migrated my RSS feeds from Miniflux2 to Newsblur3.

(Note: At $15 a year, Miniflux is a great option if you want a barebones RSS feed manager. My migration back to Newsblur was more a product of my own restlessness than anything Miniflux did or did not do.)

Aside from managing RSS feeds as you’d expect, a premium subscription to Newsblur ($36 a year) gives you a ‘Blurblog’ (their version of a linklog4), a simple site where you can share posts from your RSS feeds.

I’ve thought about adding a microblog to my site, but adding new content via Hugo is annoying for that use case. I’d have to create a .md file for each entry and push to GitHub for every single microblog post.

Even though I’m trying to run lean these days by hosting my site on GitHub Pages, I feel the inclusion of the Blurblog/linklog helps justify the extra cost of Newsblur vs. Miniflux.

Enter my Blurblog linklog

If you’re interested in my Blurblog linklog, check out the options below:

Jake LaCaze thinks one of the most interesting parts of the internet is seeing just how far your small efforts can reach.

  1. Social media engagement algorithms and the illusion of choice on jakelacaze.com ↩︎

  2. Miniflux ↩︎

  3. Newsblur ↩︎

  4. Linklog definition on Wikipedia ↩︎