Jake LaCaze


Writers ain’t gotta use AI if they don’t wanna

  • 1 min read

If you’ve found a certain tool or service that works for you and makes your life better, COOL—then keep using that thing. This advice applies to AI, Notion, Obsidian, TikTok, WHATEVER. If your tool of choice is a net benefit, then keep on keepin’ on.

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What if I have only one novel in me?

  • 1 min read

As I’m writing this post, I’m juggling three longform writing projects:

  • An absurdist comedy novella
  • A vampire hunting novel
  • A literary novel about fatherhood

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Unlearning how to write

  • 1 min read

Part of succeeding in the real world is unlearning what school has taught you. This is especially true with writing.

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